One on One with my mentors gave me such insight into the freedom that I was seeking. You can read, listen to audio recordings, but having a mentor to model freedom and to show you the lies you have believing and assist you through the ups and downs of the process is so beneficial.

The philosophy is:
“Creating Change with Awareness”

If we really had the awareness of three things:

  • Life is short
  • I create my own suffering
  • I can take actions to increase my awareness and to reduce or eliminate my suffering

If you really and I do mean really knew these things, you would stop creating suffering in your life. I actually thought I knew these things, but I continuously created suffering in my life.
So I didn’t really get it! So it was back to awareness work. I slowly woke up bit by bit. One of my mentors said, “What else have you got to do? Just show up every day and breathe and be aware as best you can.”

If you would like a free 20 minute mentoring session just to chat and see what I have to offer and to see if I can help you in any way to gain clarity about your addiction, increase your awareness, and conquer your addiction like a Warrior.

Telephone Coaching Sessions:

Availability: I’m generally available between the hours of 5pm and 10pm (Eastern Time Zone). Monday through Friday and phone sessions on the weekend 9am to 5pm.

I make the call. I will generally initiate the call and incur the phone charges. The exception to this is some foreign cell phone numbers. (My calling plan doesn’t cover some of these very well.) As an alternative I do use Skype on occasion.

Rates: My rates are $120/hr. Sessions are generally 1 hour in length but sometimes two hours.

Payment: Payment should be made in advance. Please use the DONATE button on the home page.

If you would like a free 20 minute session, email me at