Me and My Journey

photo of Bill Ckark on the beachMany say their journey started after some event or so-called tragedy that brought them to a critical decision point that makes them say, “My life has to change.” I believe that we have always been on a journey, though we are unaware of it. Signs would appear and reappear I would ignore them or not even see them as signs. I was living my life: working, paying the bills, trying to look good in the eyes of my friends, coworkers, employer, basically just trying to survive. I was trying to make myself happy using various substances and activities This worked but only for short periods of time and I was caught in a cycle of feeling bad and then using, feeling good, and then feeling bad again using, you get the picture. I was fast asleep.

The first few years after I woke up I was reading everything that resonated with me looking to increase my awareness of the choices I was making and their consequences. As Einstein stated, “You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it” and I had created a number of problems.

I was attending retreats and still reading, by chance I saw a book on the internet by don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements. This book so resonated with me that I began looking into the teaching of Miguel and Toltec Wisdom. As he says it is a return to common sense, but that saying we have heard so many times, it is not that common. He also says that is simple, but not that easy and I agree, but it is so worth it.

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