With the elections approaching, everyone is talking about change. Our candidates are saying they’re going to change things and make them better for all of us. Change sounds great to me–someone else making my life better, because personally I’m too busy to change myself right now. My life is so full of activities right now that I don’t have time to change, so I’m really glad that someone else is handling that. Sounds ridiculous doesn’t it?

We say we want change, but do we really? My observation of people is that they only do things they want to do. So obviously if things are not changing in our lives–we must not want to change. More appropriately, we can say that one part of our ego-mind wants to change and another part does not want to change (it’s too much work!). Which ever aspect of our mind wins the election, that’s the direction we go in life. If we can be honest with ourselves and admit there is a conflict in our mind–we might have a chance of converting our habit behaviors or addictions.

The problem with change is that if we take action and fail, we blame ourselves. So it’s better to play it safe and not do anything (blaming our inaction on life’s circumstances). Yet on the other hand, if we do nothing, we can also beat ourselves up simply because we’re addicted to misery. Either way we suffer.

Look–Congress has over 500 members. Can you imagine if you had to convince a majority of these 500 minds to get their permission before you would take action and create a change in your life? Well, that’s what your mind is like, hundreds of voices giving their option and none taking action or responsibility! Well it’s time to change that. Look closely at what you are thinking and determine what you can do to bring your internal Congress in alignment and move your life in the direction of integrity and positive change.